Did you know that you can get up to $400k without a traditional loan?

No monthly payments, and no debt, either.
It's called a Home IPO.

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What's a Home IPO?

Home IPOs (also known as shared equity agreements) are super-simple loan alternatives.
They've been around for 15 years, yet very few homeowners know how they work.


A company gives you cash to essentially buy "shares" in your house.

You get between $15k-$500k up front, and in exchange, the Home IPO company buys a stake in your home.

(They think your home's value will increase, so it's a good deal for them.)


You use the cash for anything you want or need.

There are no monthly payments because it's not a traditional loan.

You just sold part of your house to the home IPO company.

You can use the money however you'd like.


When you sell your house, they get a share of the sale price.

Or, if you'd rather, you can buy the company out of their investment (you typically can do this at any time).

The Pros (And Cons) of a Home IPO

They're not perfect.

  • No monthly payments or debt
  • Large up-front payment of $15k-$500k (you can choose, depending on your home's value).
  • Low credit scores accepted (500+ is fine).
  • Simple application process (the initial application typically takes 2 minutes or less).
  • Get your money quickly - usually in around 3 weeks or less.
  • You still own your house and can make improvements/changes to it as you like.
  • If your home goes up in value, you'll miss out on some of your profit (because the home IPO company you chose now owns part of the house).
  • If you haven't sold your house by the end of the agreement term (usually 10 or 30 years), you'll need to either sell it, or buy the company out of their investment.

Pick a Company and
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Here are our favorite options.

We get paid whenever you click on these links, which helps us run more ads and spread the word about Home IPOs.

Rated "Excellent"
(458+ Reviews)

  • Offers between $25k-$500k
  • Process takes ~2 weeks.
  • 30 Year Terms (The longest in the industry)
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Takes ~2 minutes.
Doesn't affect your credit score.

Rated "Excellent"
(370+ Reviews)

  • Offering range: $30k-$300k
  • 500+ Credit Score Required
  • 10 Year Terms
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Takes ~1 minute.
Doesn't affect your credit score.

Rated "Excellent"
(370+ Reviews)

  • Overwhelmingly positive customer feedback.
  • Offering range: $30k-$300k
  • 500+ Credit Score Required
  • 10 Year Terms
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Takes ~1 minute.
Doesn't affect your credit score.


Do I still own my house?

  • Absolutely. With a home IPO you still own your home and make improvements/changes to it however you want.

Is this new? Why haven't I heard of it?

  • Home IPOs (aka "shared equity agreements") have been around for 15+ years. Many homeowners aren't aware that they're an option.

Can I buy my home IPO company out of their investment?

  • Yep! You're typically able to buy back their "shares" of the house at any time.

What's the catch?

  • The two big downsides to a home IPO are

    1) If your home increases in value, you miss out on some of the profit, and...

    2) You have to close out your home IPO before the end of the term (typically 30 years).

    E.g. if you haven't sold your house within 30 years, you'll need to either sell it, or buy the company out of their investment.

We're on a mission to take power away from predatory loan companies.

Want to help? Next time you need a loan, consider a home IPO instead.

Loan companies are, almost by definition, incentivized to work against you. Miss a payment? Your loan company gets a late fee. Low on cash? They're more than happy to have you refinance and pay even more over the long run. And if things go south and you're forced to foreclose, your loan provider gets to keep your house.

By contrast, home IPO companies are investing in your house, which means that they succeed when you succeed. The result: a healthier relationship, with less hassle.

Help us break America's reliance on predatory loans by spreading the word about home IPOs.

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